Since it’s Channel nearby its 1 year anniversary, People continue to see it-which can be a big deal for the company's shares, according to Oppenheimer’s analysts. The free, ad-support programming available on the channel, its app and the Roku (Roku)-enabled devices was launched in September. Although In Monday’s note, Oppenheimer was optimistic that as many people watch the channel on non-Roku devices, it increases the overall advertising opportunity of the company to a great extent. “Our confidence has increased in Roku’s position to capture the dollars of advertising of their own platform through the Roku channel,” Oppenheimer wrote. “Based on the rank of Roku channel, and on time spent on other Roku channel, we estimate that the Roku channel already has 1.5M domestic access, which is watching for 8.9M hours on a monthly basis.” As the channel grows, Oppenheimer wrote, more publishers should be attracted to the search of advertising publishers cuts. “It allows them to ...